Kemps is an easy-to-play card game that can be enjoyed by 4, 6, or 8 players.
Don’t get your signals crossed if you want to win this game!
Find the video tutorial and written explanation for how to play the card game kemps below.
Kemps Tutorial
Four, six, or eight players; 52 card deck, pen and paper for scorekeeping
Four cards to each player, one card at a time.
The object of the game is to have one teammate announce “Kemps” once the other teammate has four of a kind.
Before the cards are dealt, teammates should secretly discuss a signal to use when a four of a kind is obtained. This signal needs to be a non-verbal signal, such as a wink or a hand movement.
Game Play
The round begins with the dealer flipping up four cards from the deck into the middle. Once the last card is on the table, all the players can swap cards between their hands and the cards on the table.
Players can swap as many, or as few, cards as they want. Players can only swap one card at a time.
Players continue to swap cards with the goal of getting four of a kind in their hands. Once all the players are done making swaps, the four cards in the middle are thrown out, and the dealer will flip up four new cards from the deck.
Again, once the fourth card hits the table, all the players begin exchanging for any cards they want. Players do not take turns and swap out their cards as fast as they want.
It can be a good idea to make a few swaps for cards you are not going for in order to throw off the opposing team.
The process of throwing out the middle cards and flipping up new cards is repeated until “Kemps” or “Cut” is announced.
When one teammate gets a four of a kind, the signal should be given to the other teammate to announce “Kemps.” If “Kemps” is announced, and the teammate has four of a kind, that team is awarded one point.
If “Kemps” is announced when the teammate does not have a four of a kind, the team loses one point.
If a player feels one of the opposing players has a four of a kind, he/she can announce “Cut.” When “Cut” is announced, the opposing players will reveal their cards. If either one has a four of a kind, the team of the player that announced “Cut” is awarded one point.
If neither opponent had a four of a kind when “Cut” was announced, the announcing team loses one point.
The first team to an agreed upon amount, such as five points, is the winner of the game.
Fake signals can be used throughout the round to trick the opposing team. New signals can be made in between rounds.